Rain can turn to snow and cold in southern Sweden


Despite the fact that it is already January, winter has been long delayed in southern Sweden, which has rained instead of snow for the last month. This week there may be a change in that, at least for the interior of Svealand and Götaland.

– It’s going to be a bit colder, a couple of degrees cooler in much of southern Sweden, which would mean this week can be winter by definition. Perhaps not for the coastal areas, but for Svealand and inland Götaland in any case, says Mattias Burtu, a meteorologist at SMHI.

SMHI’s definition of winter means that the daily average temperature is below zero degrees for five consecutive days. With the cold also comes snow instead of rain, something that may be relevant for parts of southern Sweden.

On Monday and Tuesday there will be an area of ​​snow with slightly lighter snowfall, and on Wednesday a larger area of ​​precipitation will come from the east and will spread over southern Sweden. According to Mattias Burtu, it is too early to say how much snow will fall and exactly where in the country there will be snow or rain.

– When it comes to snow, it is probably in Svealand and inland Götaland, if we are talking about southern Sweden. So along the coast of Götaland and Gotland, it’s probably quite humid and rainier as it seems, says Mattias Burtu.

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