A documentary portraying President Donald Trump as a destructive narcissist is attracting attention in the United States, at the same time that what is predicted to be a record-breaking election campaign has just started in earnest.

United States: President Donald Trump.
The documentary interviews several psychologists who say it is their medical duty to warn the public about Trump’s mental condition. According to psychologist John Gartner, the president shows four key symptoms of so-called malignant narcissism: paranoia, narcissism, antisocial traits and sadism, reports the AFP news agency.
The movie “Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump” (Roughly “Inappropriate: The Psyche of Donald Trump”) begins airing Tuesday.
This is not the first time that psychologists have commented on the president of the United States. As early as 2017, a high-profile book was published in which 27 mental health experts, primarily psychiatrists and psychologists, declared that Donald Trump’s psyche is a danger to the United States.
The caveats are unique because the nation’s psychiatrists generally follow an ethical principle called the Goldwater rule. It was formulated by the American Psychiatric Association after Republican Barry Goldwater’s presidential election campaign in 1964 and says that psychiatrists cannot do professional evaluations of public figures they have not examined. This is because the angry statements made about Goldwater in several cases were politicized.
Goldwater sued a newspaper that published a text in which psychiatrists speculated on his mental health, and won.
However, John Gartner, who founded the A duty to warn movement, believes that the vast amount of information available about Trump’s behavior renders the Goldwater principle obsolete.
The President of the United States has described himself as a “very stable genius.”
However, several former employees of the president have described whims, self-centeredness and outbursts of rage. This summer, the president’s niece, psychologist Mary Trump, published a book in which she describes her uncle as “self-glorified” and “a liar.”
Background: President of the United States, Donald Trump
Republican businessman Donald Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. He was sworn in and moved to the White House on January 20, 2017. His electoral promise was “to make America great again.”
Donald Trump was born in 1946 in Queens, New York. He has a degree in economics with a specialization in real estate from the University of Pennsylvania and has built a real estate empire with a focus on, among other things, hotels and golf courses. He is a controversial billionaire and television personality who starred in the television show “The Apprentice.”
Donald Trump is the father of five children and is in his third marriage. He has been married to the Slovenian-American Melania Trump since 2005. His daughter Ivanka Trump works in the White House, as does her husband Jared Kushner, who is one of Trump’s top advisers.
Trump likes to play golf and he likes fast food. He is the first president of the United States who has no experience as an elected politician or military man, although he has considered running in previous presidential elections.

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