Hiring the Norwegian police in Sweden to solve the police shortage is a good idea, a majority in the Riksdag believe. The Swedish Police Confederation also welcomes the proposal put forward by the Christian Democrats.
Lena Nitz, president of the Swedish Police Confederation, wants to strengthen the Swedish police force with Norwegian colleagues. Stock Photography.
Already last year, the Swedish Police Confederation proposed that the government should investigate the possibilities of strengthening the Swedish corps – employing police officers from Norway.
The Liberals, the Center Party, the Swedish Democrats, and the Moderates find the proposal interesting.
The police union welcomes the message.
“The police authority and the government must turn every stone to ensure that we are more police officers in Sweden,” said President Lena Nitz in a press release.
KD proposes that the Norwegian police can get a job in Sweden after further education. In practice: either in the framework of increased Nordic police cooperation or through a fast track to Swedish citizenship, says Ekot.
Fredrik Lundh, a Social Democrat and Chairman of the Justice Committee, believes that Norwegian conscription is the wrong path.
– I think the best thing is to focus on how to get more young Swedes to apply to the Police Academy over time, he tells Ekot.