In the shadow of the advance of the coronavirus and Brexit, the decision to abolish the time change has been prolonged for the European Parliament.
It is now the responsibility of the German Presidency to tackle the problem.
– It is up to Germany to get a chance so that we can end the change in the spring, says Johan Danielsson (S).
The European Parliament must make a decision that means that there will no longer be problems with the change from summer time to winter time (normal time) and vice versa. Instead, all member states must decide individually on summer time or winter time. But the decision dragged on.
– I hope and believe that we will make a decision soon, says Johan Danielsson (S).
When the decision becomes a reality, we may soon be in the same time zone as Sweden’s favorite destination, the UK.
– Then it can be. In theory, it is entirely possible and in that case there will be a special adjustment.
There has been great interest in bringing about a change with the aim of avoiding the two time changes that exist today. Among other things, a consultation has been conducted to investigate the need.
Photo: Fredrik Persson / TT
The Swedish member of the EU Johan Danielsson (S).
Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT
Stock Photography.
Four million people reacted, many of whom were from Sweden and Finland. Germany had by far the largest share with over 1 million. The German Presidency of the European Parliament, on the other hand, has not taken steps to bring MPs together to make a decision, something that annoys Danielsson.
– I have written to the German Presidency urging it to make an effort to reach the negotiating table, he says.
Of those who responded to the query, 80 percent were in favor of abolishing the time change.
– It’s clear what people want.
There are several reasons why Danielsson has become such a strong opponent of the time change. One is that 20 percent have physical or mental problems due to adaptation, where mainly children, the elderly and the chronically ill do not cope as well.
The second is that the purpose of the time change from the beginning was to save energy. But now research shows that in our modern society, energy gains are no longer made.
– If you have 20 percent who feel bad and the purpose of the time change has disappeared, then it is very difficult to argue to keep it.
It’s just time for us Swedes to start adjusting to the fact that there will no longer be schedule changes twice a year.
– I said that we simply have to find another way to work out when we are going to produce and return the outdoor furniture, Danielsson jokingly concludes.