The struggle has been fought for several years between Hungary and Poland, on the one hand, and most of the other Member States, on the other. On Monday, it all came to a head when the two countries openly opted to block an agreement on the next long-term budget and support from the crown.
That which governments in Warsaw and Budapest want to stop is the introduction of a new system to ensure that all EU countries follow the fundamental principles of the rule of law and democracy.
Hungary, in particular, suspects owls in the swamp. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán seems convinced that it is all about immigration and migration.
“Once this proposal is approved, there will be no obstacles to linking the part of the common funds of the member states in support of migration and using financial means to blackmail countries that oppose migration,” Orbán said in a release.
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (C) notes, however, that there is an “enormously strong” majority in favor of the preliminary agreement reached by the EU Council of Ministers with the European Parliament on the EU budget. In the EU committee the Riksdag judged on Thursday that the majority is 25 against 2, or perhaps 24 against 3.
“From the Swedish side, it is important to adopt the EU long-term budget as soon as possible. It is very important that we get support from the crown for the most affected people in the Member States. I don’t want to speculate tonight when it will be ready, but the negotiated budget, the recovery fund and the requirements of the rule of law will apply, ”Löfven writes in a statement to DN.
Löfven also stated that On Wednesday he participated in a digital meeting with his colleagues from Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
– We’re not backing down. We defend this agreement, he said.
It is difficult to predict how the lockdown will be resolved. No page seems ready to go back so far.
Thursday night The EU summit was only dedicated to the first quarter of the budget dispute, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke on behalf of the majority.
– I made it clear that I think the compromise that has been reached is good. This means that we must continue to talk to Hungary and Poland, Merkel said in a press conference later on the web, not wanting to speculate on how a solution can be reached.
– We continue to search for a solution that can be accepted by all, says the president of the Permanent Council of the EU, Charles Michel, in his press conference.
Hungary and Poland are under pressure hard hit, especially by southern European countries that are waiting for the pledged multi-million dollar contributions after the corona pandemic. Even otherwise loyal neighbors, such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia, are also urging the governments of Warsaw and Budapest to rethink, as well as unions and businesses.
At the same time, behind the scenes, ways are being prepared to circumvent veto countries, for example, by making crown support a collaboration for just the other 25, or 24.
Most of the time on Thursday The summit was dedicated to the corona pandemic.
– The Covid-19 situation continues to be serious. But we have seen promising signs, says Charles Michel.
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven declared that the EU “needs to do more to coordinate work in crisis situations”.
In a statement, Löfven further writes:
“We will work together to Acquire and distribute a future vaccine and we must strengthen our common preparation. Working together within the EU to develop reliable rapid tests is also important. “
During the EU meeting, testing strategies, vaccine procurement and distribution, and a common strategy on how countries should lift their coronary restrictions, where appropriate, were also discussed.
– It will be very important to avoid another wave, says the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.