Of: John granlund
The opposition is now pressuring the government about M / S Estonia and the new discoveries surrounding the shipwreck.
SD and M demand a response from Foreign Minister Ann Linde (S), and KD is now requesting a parliamentary debate with Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S) on the transport of arms on the Estonian ferry.
– The government should put the cards on the table about what it really knew, says Mikael Oscarsson, defense policy spokesman for the Christian Democrats.
The discovery of a previously unknown, meter-long hole in the M / S Estonia wreck continues to spark debate.
Several opposition parties are now demanding responses from the government on various sensitive aspects of the collapse.
On Monday afternoon, Christian Democrats’ defense policy spokesman Mikael Oscarsson filed a request for debate at the Riksdag over the findings at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The request of the member of the Riksdag is addressed to the Minister of the Interior Mikael Damberg (S), who is the responsible Minister.
Photo: Rickard Törnhjelm
Mikael Oscarsson (KD).
Wants to raise serious peace
In the letter to the Riksdag, KD points to arms transports on M / S Estonia in the weeks leading up to the sinking, which was revealed by SVT’s “Assignment Review” in 2004 and subsequently confirmed in a public inquiry.
“Did military transports, which have been kept secret for a long time, had any significance for the sinking of Estonia?” Asks the KD member.
He wants the government to immediately appoint a transparent investigation of not only the newly discovered hull damage, but also the military transports on the ferry and what the government actually knew.
“Isn’t it more likely that the Swedish government received information about the military transports immediately after the accident? In that case, can you explain the decision not to rescue the ship and the dead, the diving ban and the proposed cover of cement? ”.
Mikael Oscarsson believes that it is necessary to raise peace from the grave so that an examination of the ferry can be done.
– The peace of the grave cannot be an obstacle for us to obtain answers to these questions. Now there must be an investigation that includes dive operations with full reporting to the public and the media, but also an investigation into when the government received information about the sensitive cargo on board and how it affected the decision on the salvage issue, she says. Mikael Oscarsson.
He believes that an investigation should be done for the sake of relatives, but also to curb conspiracy theories.
– That Sweden cannot give any answer creates an eldorado for conspiracy theorists. The government must put the cards on the table about what it knows about this military transport.
Anne Linde (S).
Mikael Damberg (S).
“You must answer”
On Monday, it also became clear that the Foreign Ministry was summoned to a hearing at the Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday after both Swedish Democrats and moderates demanded it.
– I think Foreign Minister Ann Linde needs to answer how she feels about whether an investigation should be conducted. I also think it is contradictory to talk about evaluating new information at the same time as claiming that you are behind the final report of the Accident Investigation Board. It’s strange, says Björn Söder, foreign policy spokesperson for the Swedish Democrats.
The moderates’ foreign policy spokesman, Hans Wallmark, wants an answer to “how the government has handled relations with the other countries involved and how to respond to their demands,” the party said in a comment.
Photo: Urban Andersson
Björn Söder (SD).