Pollen measurements in the north now cease


Pollen Measurements – A support for the country’s pollen allergy sufferers who can keep track and know when it may be time to take medication. Now the measurements begin at the country’s measurement stations. But not in northern Sweden, because that’s where concentration measurements end from now on.

Four distance measuring stations

The cause? The person who has been responsible for pollen measurements in the north for 30 years has retired, and in connection with that, the four northernmost regions of the country have decided not to pay for more measurements.

The measuring stations that are affected are Boden, Umeå, Östersund and Sundsvall, declares the Palynology Laboratory of the Swedish Museum of Natural History, responsible for Pollenrapporten.se to TT. Now there are 16 stations in the country.

The Asthma and Allergy Association is now urging the government to add money to pollen forecasts, but nothing has happened yet, Secretary General Kristina Ljungros tells TT.

– We believe that there is a risk that more regions will withdraw their funding.

Cargo care

About a fifth of all adolescents and adults in Sweden have pollen problems during spring and summer, according to 1177 Vårdguiden. A problem that many treat themselves, but it is important to get out on time and keep track of the levels.

But the north lacks staff and funding: keeping the stations running, the results of which are published in the Pollen Report, would cost, according to Ljungros, 10 million crowns a year.

– We have had a meeting with the Ministry of Social Affairs and we have spoken about them again and they still have not reached a solution. From now on, the measurements will cease so the problem is acute, he says and continues:

– I don’t think anyone thinks that attention should be charged more this spring, unnecessarily.

The government is reviewing the question of how the survey should be financed and has an active dialogue with other parties, announces the press staff of the Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S).

Anna Karolina Eriksson / TT

Those who have a pollen allergy often have various symptoms, including a runny and stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy nose, red and itchy eyes, and fatigue.

In spring, birch pollen is more common, in summer it is more common with grass pollen.

Most people with a pollen allergy do not need to seek care, but they can first try treating the allergy with over-the-counter medications.

About a fifth of all adolescents and adults in Sweden have pollen problems during the spring and summer. The number of people suffering from pollen allergies has increased, but in recent times the increase seems to have stopped a bit.

Source: 1177 Vårdguiden
