Shortly after midnight on Monday, the police stopped a car in Kronogården, and then three people managed to leave the vehicle and flee from the police. According to the police, this was followed by a situation in which a large group of people came together to act threateningly and fired fireworks at the police.
– Unfortunately, the fact that they shoot us with rockets happens quite often around New Years, says Peter Adlersson, the police spokesman in the western region.
More police patrols were alerted to the scene and the situation should have calmed down. No damage was reported.
The detained car turned out to be stolen and was seized along with a stolen moped. Two people were arrested for disturbing public order and another was removed from the scene.
“Many alarms in the region”
According to Peter Adlersson, many alarms related to fireworks were received throughout the region during the night.
– People worry that it will start to burn or that someone will be hurt, he says.
This year, fireworks damage is feared to rise again: