At 8:21 p.m. on New Year’s Day, the police received an alarm about youths throwing or shooting fireworks at people, buildings and vehicles in Torggatan in Åstorp.
When the police arrive at the scene, they are also bombarded with fireworks and reinforcements were called in.
“Several young people have been rejected on the basis of article 13 of the Police Law. Fireworks have been seized. No policeman or private has been injured, ”the police write on their website.
The police have produced a sabotage report against the blue light operations, but at the time of writing no one has been arrested.
Polislag 13§
If someone with his conduct disturbs public order or constitutes an immediate danger to him, a police officer may, when necessary to maintain order, reject him or remove him from a certain area or space. The same applies if such measure is necessary to avoid a punishable act.
If one of the measures mentioned in the first paragraph is insufficient to achieve the desired result, the person may be treated temporarily.
Source: Parliament