The report is prepared by the renowned Venezuelan Violence Observatory, which studied murder statistics from last year. The organization found that 4,153 people were victims of violence by criminals in the country. It turned out to be 78 fewer people than the police had killed during the same period. The surprising figures show that the situation in Venezuela has become almost illegal.
“Police killings have spread across the country. Killing appears to be the only security policy being implemented. In twelve states, the police killed more people than criminals,” the report says.
The organization aims to that there has been a sharp increase in police violence, which has almost tripled since the last free elections in Venezuela in 2016. Both the UN, the International Criminal Court in The Hague and the US state organization OAS are investigating the Maduro regime for Crimes against humanity.

Nicolas Maduro
Photo: Matias Delacroix / AP
According to the OAS, there have been 18,000 extrajudicial executions since Nicolás Maduro assumed the presidency after the death of Hugo Chávez in 2013. Up to 15,000 political opponents have been jailed and 650 people have been tortured by the regime.
The International Criminal Court in The Hague has been conducting two investigations into Nicolás Maduro for the past two years, which will continue in 2021.
The report on police violence shows that citizens of Venezuela are 40 times more likely to be killed by the police than citizens of the United States. A total of 45.6 people for every 100,000 inhabitants in Venezuela were murdered last year. It is one of the highest numbers in the world.
The fact that Venezuela has become one of the most dangerous places in the world has caused the migration of five million inhabitants in recent years. Families are also fleeing food shortages and poor medical care. After Syria, Venezuela is the country in the world that has generated the most refugees in recent years.
Last month, 21 Venezuelans drowned trying to escape to Trinidad and Tobago in an overturned boat. In recent years, nearly 20,000 Venezuelans have fled to Trinidad, a few nautical miles off the coast of Venezuela.

The Venezuelan refugees who arrived illegally in Trinidad / Tobago will be attended by the police in mid-December. The week before, 21 Venezuelans drowned in an attempt to escape to Trinidad / Tobago
Photo: Humberto Matheus / Sipa
The human rights organization Amnesty International criticizes the government of Trinidad for sending back some of the refugees, including several families with children, but the government defends itself saying that the country has no refugee legislation and therefore cannot take care of refugees.
Even the indigenous people of Venezuela it has been hit hard by the policies of Nicolás Maduro. On Sunday, Salvador Franco, 38, died in one of the regime’s prisons. He belongs to the Pemón indigenous people who in 2019 tried to help opposition leader Juan Guaidó to bring relief shipments to the country in crisis. Salvador Franco and twelve others were arrested after trying to prevent the regime’s military forces from reaching the border with Brazil with bows and spears.
Outside the prison in the city of Guatire, on the outskirts of the capital Caracas, the mothers of the other 12 detainees have gathered to demand that their children be released so that they do not also die in prison. On Twitter, the Venezuelan human rights organization Foro Penal is broadcasting a video in which Felicia Pérez calls on the international community to help her remove her three children.
– Please, we are here to get the twelve prisoners out before they suffer the same fate as Salvador Franco, says Felicia Pérez.