Police confirm: find is 57-year-old missing person


It was during Monday night that the police announced that human remains found in the Karlskrona archipelago, which was linked to the 57-year-old man, who has been missing since July 25.

According to information from SVT, he was one of two murder suspects in Karlskrona himself led the police to find the body, in the search for the remains of the 57-year-old disappeared. In further questioning, at the request of the suspect himself, the man is said to have pointed to the place where the find was made, according to information from SVT.

Now a DNA analysis has identified the person. The results confirm that the remains found in the Karlskrona archipelago are the 57-year-old missing.

“Parents in great pain”

The plaintiff’s assistant, Henrik Månsson, represents the parents of the 57-year-old man and comments on the police message.

– It is good that now it has been established who he is. At the same time, the parents are very distressed and it is strengthened now that you know that it is really the son who has died, says Henrik Månsson.

“A great relief to all”

Eric Widner, 22-year-old attorney for the murder suspect, describes today’s message as “a great relief to all.”

-This means that it is possible to clarify what is behind the disappearance in this tragic story, he says.

SVT Nyheter Blekinge has sought the lawyer for the murder suspect’s lawyer.

Police write on their website that the search operation in the Karlskrona archipelago is now winding down, but that they are ready to continue searching if necessary.
