Police: clans threaten the system


According to the police, there are around 40 clans or family networks in Sweden where members of the network commit crimes together.

– What is important to highlight in this is precisely the threat of the system, where it infiltrates the authorities, local politics, businesses in order to benefit family criminal networks through criminal acts, says Linda H Staaf, chief of the intelligence unit in the national police operation. section.

According to Staaf, some of the networks have been in Sweden for decades, while others have come here recently. What they have in common is that their business threatens the system.

– This becomes socially threatening because you transfer power from the state to the family.

Have the police not had the resources to counter these clans?

– This type of crime, with this origin and these ends, is getting stronger. It is important that we open our eyes to this in Sweden.

“There are many reciprocal services and services”

In an Ekot interview on Saturday, the Deputy Chief of the National Police, Mats Löfving, said that the police do not feel that they have received the full support of society in the fight against clans.

So what action do the police need?

– Continuation of joint government cooperation. But also: Knowledge. The control system must be strengthened in Sweden. We need to improve our control over payments, over representatives in various authorities, in the municipal administration and in politics. Be aware of the risk of what can happen, says Linda H Staaf.

Both clans and family criminal networks are based on informal relationships, explains criminologist Amir Rostami, who researches with a focus on gangs.

– There are many services and reciprocal services.

– It can be a life of association, it can be political. They can be local businesses.

“Trying to create a small state”

One tool is to blackmail a local business or create an addiction.

– You try to create a small state in the state you live in. A parallel economic system, the administration of justice. It is not a democratic system, they want total control.

Löfving said in Ekot this weekend that criminals are trying to get into politics. Amir Rostami explains:

– If they are not actively infiltrating, you try to create links with people to influence.

Löfven: I don’t want to link crime with ethnicity

For Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, it is new that there are about 40 clans in Sweden, he said on Monday.

– Exact number, get others … for me it matters less exactly … If you commit a crime in Sweden, you must go there and then you must have a penalty for it. Whatever the reason, so to speak.

You have wanted to differentiate between the issue of crime and immigration, but if clans come here to commit crimes, are not the two issues related?

– I say I do not want to link the crime with ethnicity. Or what religion do you believe in or what color skin do you have. That is completely wrong for me.

– If it is the case that you come here for it, then obviously it is so. But it is not the case that 40 clans have come here in recent years to commit crimes in Sweden. Many have probably been here for a long time and then they have also experienced this difference, the inequality that we have in our country.

READ MORE: The Chief of Police: “40 family-based criminal networks in Sweden”

Löfven: “There have not been 40 clans in recent years.”
