On Monday, IK Sävehof announced, via his Twitter account, that the players have tested positive in the men’s squad, which is why Wednesday’s match against IFK Kristianstad in the Handball League will be postponed.
Across the sporting world, various matches have been canceled in recent months due to crown-infected players on various teams. Ny also announces to Göteborgsklubben Sävehof that a confirmed illness in the team puts an end to this week’s clash in the Handball League.
According to the club itself, it will be about three players in the men’s team that tested positive for Covid-19 last week, and because of this, the club is forced to postpone the planned away match against IFK Kristianstad on Wednesday.
IK Sävehof has not commented which players have been confirmed infected by Covid-19.
The away game against IFK Kristianstad on Wednesday 11 November has been canceled due to an illness in the squad.
At Sävehof we continually test our players. In the last week, three players from the men’s team tested positive for Covid-19 pic.twitter.com/CYl9hdPmxI
– IK Sävehof (@IK_Savehof) November 9, 2020