It didn’t take more than five minutes for Pierre Ivansson to catch a fish on the hook.
It would turn out to be the largest salmon he received during his 70 years of life.
– I struggled for over an hour to get him in the boat, says Ronnebybon.
Last Saturday in April, Pierre Ivansson, 70, went fishing alone. It was around the cliff, about 5 km from the mainland, when a fish bit the hook, the Blekinge County newspaper reports.
“He only had to be gone five minutes before the fish hit,” says Pierre Ivansson.
He used the trolling technique where you have several rods dragged after the boat.
– After the fish hit, it started on its side and became entangled in the other fishing lines. Then I was stressed.
Photo: Private
The Pierre Ivansson bred salmon weighed 26.5 kilos.
“I never thought it was that big”
The fight continued and lasted more than an hour.
– I felt it was a fish, but I never thought it was that big, says Pierre and continues:
– When I finally put the fish in the net and lifted it in the boat, it hung on the railing and I had to put my hand on the lid of the double chin and lift it in the boat.
It would turn out to be a salmon of 123 centimeters and a weight of 26.5 kilos.
Photo: Private
The salmon was 123 centimeters long. Pierre Ivansson: “It looks fun in the picture, because it’s almost as big as I am.”
– I have been fishing all mine and trolling for over 30 years. I’ve never had a fish like this before, says Pierre Ivansson, who gifted some of the giant salmon to friends and acquaintances.
But despite the size of the salmon, it’s not a new Blekinge record.
– No, it is likely that about five pieces have raised fish bigger than me. Between 26 and 29 kilos, says Pierre.
But he doesn’t think it’s impossible to have a new giant salmon on the hook.
– The possibility is small, but there is.