Photos of Greta Thunberg burned during protests in New Delhi


On Tuesday, climate activist Greta Thunberg voiced her support for the peasant uprising in India, after the country’s authorities decided to shut down the internet in New Delhi to stop protests. Thunberg also published a manual on how influencers and protesters alike could make their voices heard in protests.

The country’s authorities have assessed Thunberg’s act as criminal and have launched a preliminary investigation, following a statement by Kapil Mishra, a member of the Hindu Nationalist Indian People’s Party (BJP), who said that the manual is:

“Evidence of an international plan to attack India,” Mishra was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.

Photos of Greta are burned in the streets

Activists from the United Hindu religious group, which supports the country’s Hindu nationalist prime minister, Narendra Modi, gathered in protest on the streets of New Delhi on Thursday.

They carried banners with the message that “the outside world must not interfere in the internal affairs of India” and burned photos of Greta Thunberg and pop artist Rihanna, who also expressed support for the peasant uprising.

Photos of Greta Thunberg and Rihanna are burned by Hindu nationalists.


“The outside world must not interfere in the internal affairs of India,” the poster read.


Image of Greta Thunberg burned.


It’s the peasant uprising

The Peasant Uprising is a protest movement fighting a series of controversial bills in India, which the group believes will impoverish the agricultural sector of the population. The bills favor big business, which then hits the individual hard, they say.

Millions of indigenous people have joined the movement and during the last three months protests have become widespread. Most of the protesters come from the Punjab and Haryana regions. The peasant uprising is basically an economic protest, but many of the movements belong to the Sikh religious minority in India.

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