Pfizer’s vaccine protects 94 percent


The study analyzed the health values ​​of 1.2 million Israelis. 600,000 of them had received two doses of the vaccine and 600,000 had not.

The results were published Sunday by the Israeli health organization Clalit, and they are positive. In the group that received two doses of the vaccine, the number of symptomatic covid cases decreased by 94 percent, reports the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

The vaccine has also been shown to be equally effective in the elderly. 170,000 people in the sample were over 60 years old and they too survived without being further affected.

The study also showed that the drug is particularly effective against serious diseases. One week after the second dose, the protection value was between 91 and 99 percent, Haaretz writes.

Half of Swedes can get the Pfizer vaccine

Israel is the fastest in the world to vaccinate and, at the time of writing, at least 70 percent of the country has received at least one dose of vaccine, far more than in Sweden.

But the goal is that everyone has been offered the drug before summer here. Vaccine coordinator Richard Bergström said that about half of Swedes will receive the vaccine from Pfizer.

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