Pfizer’s vaccine in Denmark arrives in Sweden today


The secrecy surrounding the first dose of the Swedish vaccine has been excellent. Nobody has wanted to say anything, but it is clear that at 08:00 today, the doses will be repackaged in a secret room in Sweden and then transported to the 21 regions for the start of the vaccine tomorrow Sunday.

In Denmark, the secret is not so great, and the Danish media reports that the first truck with vaccine arrived in the country at 0600 on Saturday morning. As in Sweden, the doses need to be repackaged and then shipped to five regions. In Denmark this is done at the Statens Serum Institut and the Danish media write that the truck with the vaccine received a police card from the Danish border to the facility.

The Swedish Public Health Agency takes responsibility

The truck comes from the Pfizer factory in Belgium, just like the one in Sweden. Both countries receive 10,000 doses, which are packaged in something that can be compared to pizza boxes.

Sweden’s vaccine coordinator Richard Bergström is responsible for delivering the vaccine to Sweden, until the truck, or trucks, cross the Swedish border.

Then the Public Health Agency takes responsibility.

– There is an emergency confidentiality surrounding this, so I cannot give anything other than the doses will arrive tomorrow, Sara Rörbecker’s press contact at the Public Health Agency said on Friday.

When Expressen calls the Swedish Public Health Agency on Saturday morning, Sara Rörbecker says they have not received any reports that the vaccine will be delayed. But he also did not want to answer if the vaccine had already arrived.

The Finnish media also report that their first doses of vaccine will arrive in the morning.

The text is updated.

Here, the Pfizer vaccine is packaged and shipped to Sweden

Pfizer and BioNTech covid-19 vaccine packaged and shipped from Pfizer’s factory in Belgium

How many doses of vaccine does your region receive?

10,000 doses will soon arrive in Sweden.