On August 13, Petter Northug was stopped by a police patrol on E6 Ullesaker.
Over a 110-mile stretch, Northug posted a driving time of 168 kilometers per hour.
After being pulled over by police, Northug had to leave blood and saliva samples when he was suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol.
Later, police also found a small amount of cocaine in Northug’s apartment.
At a news conference in Trondheim a week later, Northug said he was unaffected when driving the car.
So today the news came that Northug was right.
A press release from the Eastern Police District confirms that there were no traces of alcohol or drugs in Northug’s blood test.
– Petter is obviously relieved by the news. This means nothing more than what Petter told the media was correct, but of course it is a fact that the message is of great importance to the criminal law evaluation of the case, says Halvard Helle, Northug’s attorney, to Dagbladet.
Therefore, Northug will not be prosecuted for driving under the influence of drugs. However, speeding and drug possession charges persist.