Per Gessle opens up to more Golden Times


Of: TT


Per Gessle opens up for a meeting with Gyllene Tider.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Jessica Gow / TT

Per Gessle opens up for a meeting with Gyllene Tider. Stock Photography.

Last year’s tour for the Golden Times was billed as the band’s last. But the great hitmaker Per Gessle seems to have changed. In an interview with Göteborgs-posten, he says that “it would be a great pity” if the band did not tour more.

However, Per Gessle has not spoken to the others in Gyllene Tider about a reunion. He is currently working on an upcoming solo album, “Old love never rusts”, where he performs his old songs from, for example, the Roxette era. The band’s singer, Marie Fredriksson, passed away in 2019.

When asked if the last tour and album “Samma skrot och korn” was the end of the Golden Age, Per Gessle replies:

– Yes, that was it. Micke Syd came up with the idea that it was time for a good ending while we were still healthy and could do well. And that was wise. But when we finished, he still felt a little torn.

Gyllene Tider was formed in Halmstad in 1977 and formally dissolved in 1985. Since then, they have met several times.


