Per Bolund (MP) says at a press conference on Tuesday that he does not rule out future collaboration with the Left Party to form a stable majority after the 2022 elections, which may challenge an alternative government consisting of M, KD and SD.
– We do not have space to say that we do not negotiate with parties that want to see a different way forward, says Per Bolund.
The MP spokesperson highlights the situation in Finland as a model to follow, where the government cooperates with both the liberal parties and the left. At the same time, he believes that it is irresponsible for Jonas Sjöstedt (V) to threaten the government with a vote of no confidence.
– It is not responsible to overthrow a government without having an alternative.
Sjöstedt wants to actively cooperate
Outgoing V-leader Jonas Sjöstedt wants to arouse mistrust in Stefan Löfven (S) if the government does not retract the changes proposed in the latest labor law investigation. However, during Sunday’s party leader debate on SVT, he gave the prime minister a few more weeks to rethink his message.
At the same time, Jonas Sjöstedt has said that “the January agreement has played its role” and wants the Party of the Left to take a more active position in budgetary cooperation. Sjöstedt has also exemplified how government cooperation works in Sweden’s neighboring countries.
However, the issue has been excluded for the Center Party and the Liberals, who have also forced a special sentence in the quadripartite agreement, which establishes that the Left Party must stay out of political influence.
The left-wing leader in defense of labor law and the issue of the overthrow of the government.
Löfven was heavily pressured during the party leader debate.