If you are sick with covid-19, you should stay home so as not to spread the virus. Now even people living with the infected person must stay home. Even if they don’t feel sick.
It’s called family isolation. This is to reduce the risk of further spreading the infection. Anders Tegnell, a state epidemiologist at the Swedish Public Health Agency, tells Ekot.
– Much of the infection, except in the workplace, occurs in homes. And that is why we think it is reasonable, in this situation, for people who live with someone who has received COVID-19 to stay at home for a week. To reduce the risks of transmitting the infection to others, in a workplace or similar, says Anders Tegnell.
You should stay home for seven days. After five days, it’s good to test yourself, says Anders Tegnell. The new rule applies to adults. Children attending preschool and elementary school should not stay home without symptoms. It is important that children go to school, says Anders Tegnell.
A rule like this works best now, what he would have done this spring. That’s what Anders Tegnell says. Currently, the infection spreads less in society. And Sweden has better control over who is infected with the coronavirus now than it did this spring. Now everyone with symptoms can be tested. And the regions are working to find anyone who has had contact with an infected person. This is why the Swedish Public Health Agency is introducing this rule now, and not before, says Anders Tegnell.
Healthcare will contact people who tested positive for covid-19 and tell us about it. They will tell you what the rules are for those who live in the same house as the infected person.
If you can’t work when if you are at home, you can get money. The cold carrier allowance. Apply for the money from the Swedish Social Security Agency.