PCR tests for covid-19 fell last week


In early November, Västra Götaland reached the capacity limit when it comes to analyzing samples for covid-19. By concluding an agreement with a laboratory in Munich, the ability to analyze samples was significantly expanded. Another bottleneck has been the packaging of the sampling kits, according to Jan Kilhamn, regional covid-19 sampling coordinator.

Jan Kilhamn, regional covid-19 sampling coordinator.  Photo: Jonas Lindstedt

Jan Kilhamn, regional covid-19 sampling coordinator. Photo: Jonas Lindstedt

– There we have been overwhelmed. The volume has been so great that another unit has been installed inside Sahlgrenska. We will also open a unit in which Regionservice will help us. Unilab will also have a packaging unit. So we bring that ability to the same level as analysis ability, he says.

Downward trend

During week 49, according to statistics from the Västra Götaland region, 37,457 tests were performed. The corresponding figure a week earlier was 45,755. There is some uncertainty in the statistics as not all laboratories are included. But the trend continues to be that the number of tests has decreased over the last week.

– We have had to ration and limit this with sample material. So it is possible that there is also a certain flattened effect. If one is to interpret it positively, it may be that measures that limit social contact actually lead to less spread of infection. So it is mainly in the sampling that you will be able to see it, says Jan Kilhamn, who emphasizes, however, that it is not yet possible to draw cross-conclusions.

A new test method is introduced

Jan Kilhamn believes that they now have good preparation and skill when it comes to sampling. The region will also begin rapid testing soon.

– Rapid tests are the next step to get started. We hope we can start with that next week.

The advantage of rapid tests, called antigen tests, is that the samples do not have to be sent to a laboratory, but they can give a message in half an hour. But higher speed means you have to compromise on accuracy. Rapid tests must be performed within the first five days of the course of infection and cannot detect the same low levels of virus as PCR tests.

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