More than 6,400 people have died as a result of covid-19 in Sweden.
One of those who lost a close relative is Patrik Nilsson, whose mother Karin died at the end of March this year at age 81.
– For a while I thought they underestimated his strength.
On March 31 of this year, Patrik Nilsson’s mother, Karin, passed away in covid-19.
– Of course there are still many emotions and thoughts. I’ve been close to my mother my entire life and I loved her above all else, Patrik says when we hear from him just over eight months later.
Mother and son used to go out several times a week, usually during dinners at home at Karin’s apartment in Vasastan in Stockholm.
– We always have fun, but when the crown exploded, I wanted to be careful and stayed away so as not to risk anything. We even talked about her having to stay home, which she agreed to.
Patrik came to be with his mother Karin when he took his last breath.
Got worried
Everything went well until the mother started coughing.
– She didn’t get sick with a fever but I started to worry a bit. This was towards the end of March and all the information that emerged about the infection at that time was new and largely difficult to understand.
After a few days, Patrik became very worried and visited his mother.
– It wasn’t too bad, but I called 1177 for advice. It was a brief conversation in which they concluded that she was not life-threatening and that she managed at home. I didn’t know if he was good or bad, but it was just to relate to him.
Karin turned 81
He had protective clothing and a gas mask.
But two days later, on March 29, the cough had become so severe that Patrik was forced to call an ambulance through 1177.
– From the kitchen window I saw how the paramedics put on protective clothing and a gas mask next to the car. If I hadn’t seen it from the window, I would have been terrified when I opened the door.
The next day, March 30, Patrik contacted the hospital to find out how his mother was doing.
– Then, a doctor informed me that he had tested positive for covid-19. My first question then was whether she was in the intensive care unit, because I thought then, at the beginning of the pandemic, that they all ended up in the intensive care unit. But the doctor said he was in a room with other infected people who did not need intensive care and that he was quite alert.
– I even wanted to help change the bedding, which sounded typical of my mother, says Patrik, who was reassured by the message.
I wanted to come but I couldn’t
But the next day, March 31, the doctor announces that Karin’s condition has worsened and that she doesn’t have much time left.
– My whole world collapsed, says Patrik, who with his other brothers and family had to visit the hospital to say goodbye.
All but the half-brother, who underwent cancer treatment.
– It was so horrible. He was not allowed to risk anything at all considering his health. He wanted to come, but couldn’t.
“I wanted to say it all”
At the hospital, the mother had received oxygen and a drip.
– I was awake but I noticed that it was getting worse. I was able to talk to her but I don’t think she realized what was happening and I didn’t want to tell her.
– Instead, we joked and I told her how good she was and how much I loved her. He wanted time to say everything he could think of.
For a while, Patrik thought they might have underestimated his mother’s strength.
– The mother has been through many things in her life, from war and illness to the joy of seeing the world and having children and grandchildren. She was incredibly strong and was always there for me.
But 13 hours later, Karin, 81, died.
– I stopped by his side and held his hands until he fell asleep. I am very grateful to have had that moment and to have had the opportunity to say goodbye to my mother on the spot. I know far away everyone has been allowed to do that, which must be terrible.
Not much time left
And when everything didn’t seem to go dark, the half brother also died.
– It was like seven weeks after my mother died. I got a call telling him that he didn’t have much time left and that he should come now if he wanted to say goodbye. It was horrible to see how bad he got and it was not possible to have much contact with him.
A few days later, the brother also fell asleep.
– I hope my mother and my brother are somewhere now and have a good time together. I miss you both so much.
On March 31 of this year, Patrik Nilsson’s mother, Karin, passed away in covid-19.
“I’ve been close to my mother my whole life and I loved her above all else.” Patrik about his mother Karin.