Not only students are rejected at school. Even elementary schools are delaying the celebration and in many places parents can stay home from graduation.
There are no parents on site or collections for the entire school. So this year’s school closure is seen in many parts of the country. Stock Photography.
There are no parents on site and small group or classroom closings. Therefore, it will be seen as school closings in many parts of the country when schools want to avoid crowds of more than 50 people.
Changing school closings can be sensible. Almost every year, there are storms somewhere in the country when a school decides, for example, not to have a termination in church. But not this time.
– We have not received any questions or complaints, says Maria Nyman, director of Varnhemsskolan in Skara.
At Varnhemsskolan, where you have students from preschool to sixth grade, it has been decided that no tutor can attend the closing of the school and you cannot pick up the whole school. Exactly of the celebration will be seen has not yet been decided.
“I think people have become as used to the fact that things have been set up as most,” says Helena Svensson, principal of the Southern School in Kalmar, where there are also students up to sixth grade.
She has also received no complaints. And while there will be no major joint completion at school, children get their completion, albeit in smaller groups.
– We follow the recommendations that have expired. School closings are primarily about bringing parents together, we see students every day.
Ove Schörling, who is the principal of Marieby School and Orrviken School in Östersund, has had no reaction from students or parents since the municipal administration announced that the school should be closed in a classroom. But he does not expect any protest.
– Custodians have generally been extremely understanding.
TT: And the students?
– Of course they will be disappointed, but I hope they are as creative as they usually are and will make sure it is a good close to school.
So says the National Agency of Education
“The public health authority recommends that people limit their social contacts as much as possible, and that, of course, affects how student celebrations and school closings can be designed on its website.
Source: National Agency of Education.