“Otherwise it’s extremely stiff.”


Soon, the public will be able to return to the sports stadiums of Sweden. Starting October 1, the idea is that 500 people can see, for example, Malmö FF play football.

Inside the MFP, of course, they are happy to see some of their supporters again, but they should be able to be significantly more.

Malmö’s stadium is large and divided. There are opportunities to block in a way that means that the public doesn’t have to contact anyone other than those who are admitted to the same entry. Therefore, MFF believes that each entrance should be counted as a separate hall, with a separate maximum ceiling of 500 people, as long as that many can be accommodated even if a distance of one meter is maintained between each spectator.

– We should be able to have 5500 as possible number, says Niclas Carlnén, CEO of MFF.

This is what the MFP wants to do to attract more public

Even if politicians and the Public Health Agency, but Anders Tegnell at the helm, bought the way Malmö FF sees it, there is another problem to be solved.

– When Tegnell developed that maximum ceiling of 500, it was based on the logistics of the different stadiums, theaters and what can be. In addition to the load on, for example, public transport.

If 5,500 people go to a soccer field, there is a risk of large crowds emerging on trains and buses, for example. This is one of the reasons why the Swedish Public Health Agency wants to set a maximum limit of 500 people.

– I mean you can’t do it, says Niclas Carlnén.

– The challenge and the difference between different scenarios will be: How to get there? We know exactly what the numbers look like to us. 81.7 percent do not travel collectively when we play. Therefore, it cannot be an argument why we should only have 500 in Malmö. Then the other arenas can do their homework and show their fluency.

MFF has produced figures from surveys conducted in 2017, 2018 and 2019. They show, among other things, that 81.7 percent of the audience arrives at the arena by bicycle, driving or walking.

In the documentation that MFF has produced, there are also plans for how, where and when fans will queue, how they will enter the Stadium and how they will exit.

– When you have such a clear example, I hope you take it into account when establishing the regulations that apply to you. Otherwise it’s extremely rigid and limiting and I think you really don’t want to be, says Carlnén.

Hope of compromise

Malmö FF prefers that the Public Health Agency change its query statement. On the other hand, they want decision-makers, that is, politicians, to follow the line proposed by the MFF.

So if FHM doesn’t follow your line, do you expect the government to run them over?

– Or the government says this: “We believe that the Public Health Agency has a fairly good proposal, but we decided to apply it per section and allow 500 per section instead of 500 throughout the Stadium.” So you follow both and have found a fantastic compromise.

MFF believes that it should be the responsibility of the clubs to calculate how many spectators can be safely admitted and then request permission from the police.

– This is the time we have in a public event and a sporting event in the normal case. This is how we do it when we have a match in normal cases, says MFF security manager Peter Narbe.
