Of: TT
Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB / TT
Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen during the press conference where the restrictions were announced.
Despite stricter restrictions in Norway, corona infection is increasing in Oslo. Now the lives of the capital’s residents are hardening even more.
– I’m very worried. We must continue to do what we can to keep the infection under control while keeping preschools and schools open, says City Councilor Raymond Johansen (AP) at a news conference.
As of October 29, a battery of measures will be introduced, some completely new and others to tighten the restrictions that were previously applied. Among other things, mouth protection is mandatory in public places where a distance of one meter cannot be maintained, even in restaurants when guests are not seated at the table.
Furthermore, the number of social contacts is limited by the concept of “social bubbles”, which Belgium has used in its crown strategy, among others.
– We recommend that the number of contacts during a week does not exceed ten in social contexts, in addition to household members and school and preschool groups. This means that people need to start getting an overview of their close contacts and generally limit social interaction with others to a minimum, says Raymond Johansen.
Also, the maximum number of indoor events changes from 50 to 20. For private meetings, the limit is set to a maximum of ten people.