Oskarshamn • Unpleasant photos of Oscar Sundh


Örebro hosted Oskarshamn on Saturday night and the team led 2-1 at the end of the match.

Then there were really nasty scenes on the ice when Emil Larsson tackled Oscar Sundh, who fell and froze.

The medical staff rushed up onto the ice and looked at Sundh who was not moving.

– He took it very badly. Sundh has experienced nasty punches and tackles early in his career. Then it happens again. Ugh, says commentator Stefan Klemetz on C More.

Oscar Sundh taken to the hospital

After several minutes of treatment, Sundh finally left the ice on a stretcher and was taken by ambulance to the hospital.

– They have taken him to the hospital and we do not know much more than he has told his girlfriend that he is fine, Oskarshamn sports director Thomas Fröberg tells SportExpressen.

– He has a concussion, but you have to check that he does not bleed in the head. If you get a “blind side”, it will affect your head, when you have nowhere to look.

The referee did not judge the situation in which Oscar Sundh was injured as a foul and Emil Larsson was not sent off when play started again. This provoked great criticism from both Thomas Fröberg and the C More study.

Örebro won 2-1 after Glenn Gustafsson decided in the middle of the final period.
