On Monday, high schools close to switch to distance education until Christmas break. This was announced at a press conference on Thursday.
– The purpose is then to reduce congestion in society, said the Director General of the Public Health Agency Johan Carlson and continued:
– But we also see a great spread of the infection in this age group.
According to Johan Carlson, the spread of infection in that age group has also “increased slightly again” over the past week.
“Most fall within 20 to 50 years”
Furthermore, Kvällsposten has previously written that the Skåne Region especially follows the proportion of positives among younger people, as a sign of decline it is supposed to be a first sign of reduction of social dispersion.
– The large group that represents the majority of cases is in the range of 20 to 50 years If you can see that the curve begins to decrease over time, then we can also see more leveling off in society. It’s a sign of what the expansion of society looks like, Mats E Persson, head of crisis management staff for the Skåne Region, previously told Kvällsposten.
However, the age of those responsible for the wide spread of the infection differs from that of those being cared for in Scanian hospitals at this time.
18 patients under 45 years of age
At present, no one is cared for at high school age. However, four are under the age of 15.
For the third week in a row, a one-year-old girl enrolls in Lund according to information from the Skåne Region. In addition, a 14-year-old girl in Lund, a 13-year-old girl in Malmö and a 12-year-old boy in Helsingborg are cared for.
In the age range between 16 and 30 years, Helsingborg only cares for a 27-year-old boy.
A total of 18 people under 45 are served.
The largest age group for COVID-19 patients in Scanian hospitals is instead 76 to 90 years, where 97 are represented.
As when it comes to the spread of infection in Skåne, where more women than men get sick, the gender distribution is different when it comes to people cared for in hospitals.
Right now there are 87 women and 125 men.
Covid-19 patients receiving care in the Skåne Region today
Age: Number
0-15: 2
16-30: 3
31-45: 8
46-60: 17
61-75: 43
76-90: 39
91 – and older: 11
Source: Skåne Region.
Footnote: Information is dated December 2. However, units have 30 days to register, which means that the number does not correspond to the total number of people seen in Skåne during the day.