A French soldier is helping with a clean-up operation at a school in Beirut that was damaged by the August 4 explosion.
One in four children is at risk of missing school in Beirut. The warning comes from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) after last month’s explosion in the Lebanese capital. 163 schools were damaged, according to the organization, whose estimate of how many children cannot go to school is based solely on the effects of the blast and does not include the corona pandemic.
“More than 85,000 children were registered in schools that were damaged by the blast and it will take up to a year to repair the most damaged buildings,” IRC writes.
According to IRC, slow repairs, parental concerns about costs and safety around transportation to alternative schools, and children forced to work to help families keep many students from returning to school.
The explosion claimed more than 190 lives and took place in Lebanon that was already racked by the worst economic crisis in decades.