Nyamko Sabuni tries to unite liberals with a new proposal


In a week, the Liberals will meet in a party council to make strategic decisions before the 2022 elections. A majority on the party board has proposed that the Liberals work for a bourgeois prime minister and be prepared to cooperate with everyone. . parliamentary parties, including Sweden’s Democrats, to make a change of power possible.

However, the party is deeply divided and the crucial point is how the connection with SD should be. Those who do not support Sabuni’s line have suggested that it should be explicitly stated that no budgetary cooperation with SD is relevant. However, the proposal was rejected at the party board.

Nyamko Sabuni has said that large-scale budget cooperation, of the same type as the January Agreement, is not relevant. At the same time, he has asserted that a government must find a majority for its budget.

In a letter to members on Sunday, she develops her reasoning in what she calls a clarification:

“The budget must be prepared with the bourgeois parties that form the basis of the government and the type of budgetary cooperation that we have today within the cooperation of January is not relevant either with the Sweden Democrats or with the Left Party. Instead, with integrity we will also need to shape economic policy in accordance with the prevailing majorities in parliament, “he says in the letter that was included in the liberals’ membership application.

Nyamko Sabuni bifogar also a link to an updated version of the party board’s proposal. There he describes how the budget process has gradually changed and argues that the strict rules that have been applied since the 1990s are beginning to be overdone. Instead, a government should work in the future in the Finance Committee to “shape the policy according to the majority conditions that prevail in the Riksdag in various areas. The bourgeois parties that are part of or are behind a new bourgeois government will need to establish ways of how it can be done better, ”he says in the clarification.

In accordance with the updated party board proposal, dubbed “New Beginning for Sweden”, the Liberals will work towards an agreement in which a new bourgeois government with retained integrity links, shapes and anchors economic policy accordingly. with the majorities and opportunities that exist in parliament. . “

Council of Social Citizens Jan Jönsson, The leader of the Liberals in Stockholm City Hall, along with Member of Parliament Christer Nylander, is behind the counterproposal on the government issue that was rejected at the party board. What Nyamko Sabuni calls a clarification is described by Jan Jönsson as “quite incomprehensible”.

– I was waiting for a clarification that we would not have budgetary cooperation with the Swedish democrats. Now it’s more of a description of how a collaboration could take shape, says Jan Jönsson.

– Then I observe that it is proposed that the budget work regulations that we have had no longer apply. This model of negotiation of all possible areas in the Finance Committee would open a very unclear budget process.

Christer Nylander, who is also the second vice president of the party, comments on Nyamko Sabuni’s updated message in a text message to DN:

“It is a bit difficult to understand what this new clarification means in practice. In fact, it doesn’t seem like a big change.

DN has contacted Nyamko Sabuni for comment.

Read more:

Ewa Stenberg: Relationship with SD threatens to break L
