Nursing students planned a big party | Aftonbladet


From: TT


The nursing students wanted to party, which made the university leadership roar.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Janerik Henriksson / TT

The nursing students were in the mood to party, which made the university leadership roar. Stock Photography.

A group of nursing students from Umeå University has planned to host a party for about 50 people. Students who wanted to go to the party were encouraged to challenge themselves before and after the party to participate, Västerbottens-Kuriren reports.

But the university leadership is roaring about the plans. Britt-Marie Lindgren, head of the nursing department, has sent an email to all nursing students and calls the idea completely unacceptable. She writes, among other things, that “based on the current infection situation, existing restrictions and limited access to test kits, it is also a sign of poor judgment in ‘testing yourself before and after a party'”.

The council in the county is currently “that you should not go or organize parties or similar social activities”, according to the Västerbotten Region.

