In a budget motion, the Christian Democrats have put forward the proposal to employ the Norwegian police.
– Norway has a police surplus, we want it to be possible for them to work in Sweden, KD leader Ebba Busch said when the party presented its alternative budget in early October.
Most in the Riksdag think it’s a good idea, show a tour of Ekot. The proposal is also welcomed by the Swedish Police Association.
Now is also The Norwegian police union Politiets Fellesforbund behind the proposal. According to the union, there are more than 600 newly trained police officers in Norway who do not get a job in the police, most of whom have been out of work when they finished their training, reports NRK.
– I think that when you are not allowed to work in Norway, it is better to be able to practice your profession in Sweden. And when you look for the Norwegian police in Sweden, it doesn’t get better than that, says union president Sigve Bolstad.
The Norwegian Police Association has investigated whether new graduates are interested in working in Sweden and see it as realistic.
– We have done a random sampling and we have called, and several respond that it is relevant.
Read more:
Proposals for the Norwegian police in Sweden receive support
KD wants Norwegian policemen to get jobs in Sweden