Norway singles out Russia for Storting data intrusion


On August 24, the Storting alerted that someone had broken into the computer system containing the members’ emails. According to Norwegian TV2, the attacker may have found private information about members of the Storting.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide now says that everything points to Russia being behind the intrusion.

“Based on that information that the government has in its power, it is our opinion that Russia is behind what happened, ”Eriksen Søreide wrote in a press release.

“This is a serious incident that is affecting our most important democratic institution,” he wrote.

According to NRK and Eriksen Søreide, someone broke into the Storting’s email system.

On August 22, a Norwegian hospital, Sykehuset Innlandet HF, also revealed that someone had broken into its computer system and was suspected of having obtained personal data. The hospital covers 42 Norwegian municipalities.

Joakim von Braun, specialist on Russian intelligence and IT security, he says he is not surprised that Russia is being singled out:

– They attack all targets in the west that have some political potential. Russia itself says it is in conflict with the West, primarily the United States, Britain and NATO. You want to cause trouble, threaten, divide. Russia sees it as a long-term job.

According to von Braun, the attacks were carried out by a group of hackers linked to the Russian civil intelligence service and the GRU military intelligence service.

The information man it will be published by hackers, if that’s what you want to spread, but it also happens that you falsify original documents that you have stolen and insert misinformation into them and then spread them out to journalists and other people.

– When Russia hacked into the Swedish Sports Confederation a few years ago, information was published about Swedish athletes who were granted exemptions to use certain drugs. This is to give an idea that not only Russia had athletes who doped. They just tried to equate this with Russian doping.

What information stolen in connection with the intrusion into the Storting’s computer system is not yet known. The Norwegian national security authority NSM stated on 7 September that “several Norwegian operations” had been the subject of data breaches.

“We are experiencing continuous attempts at digital attacks on critical functions of society, and for that reason, we strongly urge both businesses and individuals to engage in preventative security work,” wrote Bente Hoff, Director of NSM.

In a report on the threat against Norway, the Norwegian authorities point to Russia, China and Iran as the countries that can cause the most damage through their activities.

The text is updated.
