Norway closes roads to Sweden: “Now we are doubly concerned about infection from imports”


“We are now twice as concerned about imported infection. We are both concerned about outbreaks of new variants of the mutated virus that may be more contagious and that many will return to Norway after Christmas from countries with much higher levels of infection than those. that we have here, “Prime Minister Erna Solberg said. , on the website of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration.

As of January 2, the obligation to test covid-19 was also introduced for arrivals in Norway.

What applies is that the test must be done as soon as possible and no later than one day after arrival.

Passengers must travel to Norway through border stations with evidence, possibly to border stations with police control.

“We must limit the spread of the virus mutation as much as possible. It is very likely that the mutation could also reach Norway from countries other than the UK. The mandatory testing requirement is an addition to the programs we have already established with requirements for a negative test before entry, registration and quarantine obligation “, says the Minister of Health and Medical Services, Bent Høie.
