Norrbotten Infection Control Doctor: “Father God Can’t Fix This”


It is the rapid increase in the number of covid cases which means that authorities are now acting and the general guidelines will apply for the next four weeks. Regulation can also be expanded if development has not slowed down.

“Like the situation”

Anders Nystedt believes that the people of Norrbotten must accept that “2020 is a shitty year”, as he himself put it, and that it is important that you like the situation, even if it is sad.

– The most important thing is that you try to avoid meeting other people different from the ones you have in the most intimate circle of people in the family, he says and continues:

– What we see now is that the infection is transmitted at parties, sports and restaurants. So try to avoid meeting a lot of people you don’t need to know, he says.

In the general guidelines, there is also a maximum limit for such contacts, fifteen minutes.

– Exactly that, but the most important thing is not the time but the distance of 1-1.5 meters, says Anders Nystedt.

“Who I want to be?”

He emphasizes that it is up to the Norrbotten residents themselves to curb the spread of the infection.

– It is not Anders Tegnell, Johan Carlsson, infection control Anders, Stefan Löfven or God the Father himself who can fix this. Only individuals themselves can do that.

He also believes that the people of Norrbotten should ask themselves the question:

Who I want to be

– It’s an important thought. I want to be a person who ignores this and thinks that a small covid has not hurt him. Or do I want to be someone who takes into account myself and my fellow men and takes a step back?
