ofRobert Laul
Swedish soccer expects answers about the All Swede and the Swedish Cup later this week.
They risk being disappointed.
– We will announce in early June, says Anders Tegnell.
The sports magazine meets the state epidemic Anders Tegnell in connection with the covid-19 daily press conference of the Public Health Authority in Solna.
FHM has promised Swedish soccer “a response at the end of the week”, but nothing indicates today that this message will mean that soccer can continue with its plans for a Swedish cup that will begin on June 1; it will simply be too bad for time. .
– Our message has been the same all along. The regulations that exist are those that apply. We have no further comment on this, says Anders Tegnell.
No new message then?
– Not.
Will their medical protocol, which they have developed, have any meaning in the short or long term?
– No, it is their protocol that they have developed to comply with current regulations. And it is the regulations that apply, we do not judge these protocols. That is not ours.
“Message in early June”
Where are the prospects today for high-level matches and sports competitions in June, do you think?
– We will jointly analyze all the activities during the summer and we will return in early June with a message about it.
So won’t there be news for the sport before taking all of this together?
– There will be no separate message for any activity, but we must be so consistent that we can help deliver the same type of message to everyone, says Anders Tegnell.
There will be no Swedish Cup on June 1, but it is still possible that all Swedes for men and women, as well as the superett, may start as planned from June 14 to 15.
At SVT’s Morning Studio this morning, national soccer team captain Janne Andersson said she wanted to start soccer again:
“The authorities have expressed that we in Sweden are good enough to comply with the recommendations that are to come and, of course, we should also be able to do it in football,” said Janne.
The answer to Janne.
State epidemiologist Tegnell now responds to federal captain Andersson through Sportbladet:
– Sounds great, that you follow the recommendations that exist. We are very happy with that, says Tegnell.
He thinks he thinks soccer is working, what do you say to him?
– Soccer, like all others, must follow the regulations that exist. We cannot make exceptions for individual sports, but we must manage all activities together.
The president of the Sports Federation, Björn Eriksson, has spoken about a possible solution in which the power of decision is transferred from FHM to RF. Now, Anders Tegnell is also commenting on that proposal for the first time.
One beautiful day you will leave that, how do you see that RF supervises which sports can have high level competitions and matches?
– It’s great that RF has a role in this, so you get consistent and common assessment for different types of sports. So you can play sports, which is great, but to do it in safe conditions.
The Swedish Football Association confirmed this week that there will be a second meeting between RF, FHM and SvFF on Friday.
Does FHM have any wishes in sport of what they should do in the future?
– No, you just have to follow the regulations that apply, says Anders Tegnell.
Finally; Do you want to see Zlatan in Hammarby and if so why?
– (laughs) I have no idea. I’m pretty disinterested in football and I definitely don’t have a favorite team, sorry, Anders Tegnell says with a new laugh.