The Nybro Municipality Committee for Individuals and Families recently made the decision to outsource personal assistance, which is currently performed by the municipality.
This is an article in Barometern Oskarshamns-Tidningen. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
The savings package mentions the generous guard allowances paid by the municipality. The municipality thus thinks that the personnel who work with children in great need of assistance have very good conditions.
The municipal management has also stated that the staff will be able to work under the conditions that exist with a private actor. Who wants to work with worse conditions in their professional practice?
The Left Party sees that the policy of tax relief carried out causes the most vulnerable groups to lose contact with their assistants and that continuity disappears. Several decisions in the same direction mean that we have a society with tensions and greater class differences, where taxes are reduced for high-income earners and conditions deteriorate for the most vulnerable groups.