There is no room for negotiation or discussion on the case of the 56-year-old Chinese-Swedish editor Gui Minhai. At least not on the Chinese side.
The case has poisoned relations between the countries since Gui Minhai disappeared from a holiday in Thailand in October 2015 and three months later appeared on Chinese television, in a performance where he was perceived as drugged.
The Chinese do not want to discuss the case.
But it still becomes a topic when Expressen meets with China’s Swedish ambassador Gui Congyou for an interview about strained Swedish-Chinese relations, his remarks on Sweden since his arrival in 2017, the dispute over Huawei and the latest case of Chinese espionage in Sweden.
The Swedish Ambassador to China, Gui Congyou, and Leif Brännström from Expressen.
Gui Congyou has become known for his attacks, including in the Swedish media. And it upset many. The leader of the Moderates party, Ulf Kristersson, wants a Gui Minhai commission. The Left Party and the Christian Democrats have said they want to send the ambassador to China and that he is a permanent “guest” at the Foreign Ministry.
The interview takes place in Lidingö, where the commerce department of the Chinese embassy is housed in a giant 1920s house. The location was chosen carefully for crown reasons because the building houses a larger conference room where we can keep a distance safe. Oral protection is recommended.
I point out to the four at the embassy who are waiting for the ambassador to arrive that the clock on the wall is wrong, or rather that the hands are not moving at all. Two men immediately arrive and look at their watch and discover that this is the case. The ambassador is on his way, someone says, and everyone starts moving in the room. Some leave quickly to be prepared to meet their boss.
Four Chinese write each word
We then met with mouth guards on and sat on either side of the long conference table. Gui Congyou has pinned a jacket pin with the Swedish and Chinese flags on his left jacket, and the cufflinks are adorned with the three-crown emblem that almost indicates that he could be a Swedish diplomat.
The embassy has loaded up with four note-takers, one of whom is the interpreter.
A recurring phrase during the interview is that we should not interfere in China’s internal affairs.
I have the impression that sometimes you are very angry with Expressen.
– I can’t say I’m angry. I hope Expressen can get to know China in a complete and objective way and report on the real situation of China in the same way.
The ambassador does not say anything about the strategy of the Swedish crown, but has taken note of the king’s statements.
– China never gets involved in the internal affairs of other countries, says Gui Congyou, adding that China is ready to help Sweden.
“Sweden must not interfere in China’s internal affairs,” Ambassador Gui Congyou said.
Iskalla the message about Gui Minhai
But no helping hand applies to the jailed Chinese-Swedish publisher Gui Minhai. He is sentenced to ten years in prison for “providing information to foreign powers.”
From the Swedish side, they are eager for a solution, which should be released.
– I have said that the Gui Minhai case is no longer a matter between China and Sweden. This topic is closed.
Why is it no longer a matter between China and Sweden?
– I said that Gui Minhai is now a Chinese citizen. No one from Sweden can participate, I think we can finish this topic.
Then I have to correct the ambassador. Gui Minhai is still a Swedish citizen. Swedish citizenship is not over. I have checked it myself.
– Gui Minhai has voluntarily regained his Chinese citizenship since 2018. Under Chinese law, you are not allowed to have dual citizenship. That is why he is a Chinese citizen. I don’t want to comment further on that. I hope that the Swedish side will not fantasize about getting involved in China’s internal affairs, but will do more to promote friendly relations between the countries.
What do you have to say to Gui Minhai’s daughter? When can you expect your father to be free?
– Who said I should talk to Gui Minhai’s daughter about this? This case is handled under Chinese law. Nobody can lie down.
Yesterday I spoke with my daughter Angela Gui on the phone. He wondered why he was denied contact with his father.
– You should ask yourself, not me. On this subject, you can continue to ask questions, but I have no further comment.
The interview with the Chinese ambassador to Sweden takes place at a safe distance for the crown with Leif Brännström from Expressen on the other side of the table.
“You shouldn’t get involved”
From the Swedish side, Gui Minhai is still a matter. You say it’s a closed / closed case.
– For our part, we firmly reject any attempt to interfere in our internal affairs, just as Sweden does not want anyone to interfere in its affairs.
Have you said this clearly to the Swedish Foreign Ministry, for example the Foreign Minister?
– It is not possible to count how many times I have said it.
What do you say about the Swedish side?
– You can ask them that. One should not interfere in the affairs of others. It is an international and common vision.
When can you expect to be released? When can you get out of jail?
– It is an internal agreement for China. It is Chinese law that applies. For those of you who can’t stop talking about the case from the Swedish side, I hope you can turn around and look at each other.
The ambassador says he does not know anything about what happened at the Sheraton Hotel in Stockholm in January last year, with the meeting arranged between Angela Gui and two businessmen, where the then Swedish ambassador Anna Lindstedt was present.
Repeat several times that it is not profitable to talk about the case.
– If you insist on raising Gui Minhai’s case, I have some advice. For all those in the media who want to escalate the case, they have nothing to gain, it only damages their own reputation.
But the Gui Minhai case poisons relations between China and Sweden.
– I want everyone, including those who work in the media, to do more to promote friendship and cooperation. Do less, or not at all, the things that can hurt.
One of the “notes” on the table seems preoccupied with the word “poisons”, breaks off in Swedish and wonders what I mean. Probably a misunderstanding where he thought it was actual poisoning.
Swedish Ambassador to China Anna Lindstedt and Angela Gui leave the Sheraton Hotel on the night of January 25, 2019.
“They have not presented any evidence”
The latest dispute between the ambassador and Sweden concerns the expansion of the 5G network.
The Chinese Huawei and ZTE have been excluded from participating in the 5G expansion in Sweden. It is an official decision. You have personally asked the Swedish government to change the decision and a similar tone comes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing.
– Both the Chinese side and Huawei have clarified their position on this issue. We hope that the Swedish side will offer an open, fair, impartial, transparent and non-discriminatory business climate for Chinese companies in Sweden.
– The Swedish Army and Security Police, as well as PTS, have accused Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE of being a threat to network security in Sweden, but have not presented any evidence.
Gui Congyou reiterates that Huawei has submitted a proposed settlement that would regulate that no damage occurs.
– But there has been no response.
He urges the Swedish side to abandon as soon as possible what he believes to be the totally unfounded conclusion that there could be a threat to security from China.
The Swedish government has said that this is a matter for the authorities. What if there are no changes? Do you have a message for Prime Minister Stefan Löfven?
– We have a good communication channel with the Swedish government. We hope the government will immediately change this decision instead of following the Trump administration’s baseless crackdown on Chinese companies.
Gui Congyou has previously threatened that it could have consequences for Ericsson, for example, if Sweden does not let Huawei in. Now he is more discreet with the threat.
– We hope we don’t get to see him.
Ambassador Gui Congyou has put on his “Swedish” cufflinks this day.
Gui Congyou on Chinese spies in Sweden
In recent days, there have been reports that people from the Communist Party of China have infiltrated companies operating in China. Ericsson and Ikea are among those allegedly exposed.
– It’s total nonsense. It is a cruel smear of relations between China and the affected countries.
Who is behind the information?
– They come from some anti-China people who are constantly looking for trouble.
During the two-hour interview, it is impossible to avoid the more tangible topic of Chinese espionage in Sweden. Säpo has revealed several cases of spying on refugees. The last one refers to a Chinese citizen who during the period June 2015 to February 2017 is accused of having mapped Tibetans in Sweden.
The now 52-year-old man was sentenced to prison for serious illegal intelligence activities and was deported a few months ago following a government decision.
Gui Congyou says that he doesn’t know anything about the man and the atmosphere is a bit depressing in the room.
– We do not know this person and what he has done. What he may have done has nothing to do with the Chinese government. I can say that China is not at all interested in spying in Sweden.
The call to the Expressen reporter: Go to China
The security police believe that China belongs to the top three countries to spy on Sweden, along with Russia and Iran. But Gui Congyou denies that is the case.
Gui Congyou urges me to go to China. Then I can really get to know the country and get a correct image.
So what have he and his wife Jingli Song, 55, done for observations in Sweden? Well, we are formative people.
– I am inspired by Swedish friends who train.
The image of Sweden has also changed in various ways for Gui Congyou. I had read from the beginning how peaceful Sweden is, for example, that it was possible to leave the front door open. Now it is a different climate.
– Can you explain that? Maybe you can explain the safety aspects the next time we meet.
China, along with Russia and Iran, are the main “spy countries” in Sweden, according to Säpo.