Last week, the National Organization of Pensioners expressed concern that vaccination was too slow. PRO also considered that the information on how the appointment of the imminent vaccination was too vague.
The more than 300,000-member organization has now received a response from SKR, whose 21 member regions are responsible for vaccination.
Information campaign
In response to the letter, SKR President Anders Knape writes that it is difficult to plan and communicate vaccination because the regions themselves often do not know exactly when, how and where they will receive the vaccine.
But once they know, Knape promises, the regions will launch an information campaign targeting older people:
“The regions will send letters and inform through local media when it is clear when, where and how the vaccinations will be carried out.”
No bank identification requirement
Another major concern for PRO was the lack of clarity in the appointment booking process. In a couple of regions, among others, older people perceived that they must have a bank identification in order to book. Something that won’t be necessary, promises Knape.
From the PRO side, President Christina Tallberg is happy with Knape’s response:
– Of course I am very grateful that they listened to me, she tells TT.
She says she and the 21 PRO district presidents will meet with Emma Spak, head of SKR’s health and healthcare section, to discuss the issues in more detail on Wednesday.
Tallberg says she and her district president will follow up on whether all regions follow SKR’s advice and promises in the spring; otherwise, new lawsuits threaten:
– We must monitor these issues so that it really is like that in all parts of the country.