New variants of crown are spreading in the Nordic countries


The variant registered in Norway and Denmark is called B.1.525 and has similarities to both the South African variant, which is considered more resistant to vaccines, and the more contagious British variant.

– We still do not know if it is more contagious, but it can be. It has changes in the place of the virus that can say something about infectivity, Line Vold, department director at FHI, tells NRK.

According to British professor Ravi Gupta of the University of Cambridge, there is still no evidence that the variant leads to more severe disease or greater infectivity, writes the BBC.

Another variant has been discovered in Finland, the Fin-796. It is similar to a mutation in the South African variant that is considered to be linked to increased resistance to vaccines, write Vita Laboratories and the Institute of Biotechnology at the University of Helsinki in a press release Thursday.

According to the researchers, the Finnish variant appears to be more difficult to detect in so-called PCR tests.
