On Wednesday, Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson updated the state of the Swedish economy after the recent fast-growing spread of covid-19.
According to the finance minister, the recovery has been stronger than expected during the fall, but now the curves seem to point in a different direction.
– Measures put in place to slow the spread of the infection both here at home and in Europe are seen as slowing down recovery for the rest of this year and early next, says Magdalena Andersson.
She has no numbers on how big the decline is expected to be this time.
– It’s too early to comment. Development is very fast. But so far we don’t see a decline as big as last spring, says Magdalena Andersson.
It emphasizes that as long as the elderly and other risk groups can start getting vaccinated early next year, the situation can improve.
– It can make more people see the light in the tunnel and act differently. But it is a lot about how the vaccine works and how quickly it can be produced.
In the past week, the government has tightened restrictions on alcohol serving and public gatherings, which means that several already struggling industries will continue to have a difficult future. The government has announced that various support measures will be extended to companies, such as layoff support, adjustment support, and the possibility of deferring tax payments.
According to the Minister of Finance The government and the cooperation parties will soon present new proposals to support the crisis.
– We are working intensively in the Ministry of Finance to review other support measures. We see the need for a message and now we are having a close dialogue with the business community, the Center Party and the Liberals, says Magdalena Andersson.
She emphasizes that she prefers to see general support that, for example, is based on a loss in turnover rather than industry-specific support where there is a risk of demarcation issues.
– Then we must also see what the EU approves. The EU works more with support based on how much is directly affected by the restrictions than by the economic development of companies, says Magdalena Andersson.