New staff situation in Västra Götaland due to crown situation


The spread of infection and the need for hospital care is increasing enormously in Västra Götaland, because of this the region is now entering a personnel situation.

Infectious disease physician Thomas Wahlberg and health and healthcare director Ann Söderström appeal together in a press release to the public:

– Now we must all reduce the infection so that no more people get sick! Follow the new tips and avoid meetings, gatherings, and shopping malls.

Infection control physician Thomas Wahlberg says in the press release:

– Never before have we received such sharp advice as those that apply now. We must follow the advice together. Everyone in society benefits from the fact that the expansion of society is slowing down, and it should do so now, he says.

“A worrying situation”

Regional staff is presented to coordinate and support activities in the region.

– Now we are entering a situation where more and more people need hospital care. For many employees in both hospitals and health centers, it is stressful and we need to bring together the resources of the Västra Götaland region more efficiently to support administrations, says Ann Söderström in the press release.

Ann Söderström further says that it is a worrying situation in health care, but that the supply of medicines, among other things, is good.

– It is a worrying situation with the rapid increase and now we need to start canceling planned care to free up care places. We have good access to protective equipment, medicines and other equipment, it says in the press release.

See also:

Corona outbreak in TV4 – various patients

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