New forecast: both the pension is lowered in the path of coronaries


Main effects of coronavirus on the new pension forecast forecast

ofGustaf Tronarp


The crown crisis attacks pensioners’ wallets.

Next year, the income pension will be reduced by 1.5 percent, according to a recent forecast.

– In the current situation, development is much more uncertain than usual, says Ole Settergren, head of analysis at the Pension Authority.

The reduction means that those with an income pension of 12,000 will receive SEK 180 less per month from 2021.

The recalculation is a consequence of the effects of crowns on the social economy.

– Income development controls the calculation of the income pension and the supplementary pension, says Ole Settergren, head of analysis at the Swedish Pension Agency, in a comment.

It also emphasizes that the situation is very difficult to assess. Therefore, the authority will present a new forecast in late July.

I had counted on an increase

Before the crowning pandemic, the Pension Agency anticipated that the income pension would increase by 0.3 percent.

People with a low pension are compensated by automatically increasing the so-called basic pension (guarantee pension, housing supplement and old-age support) when the income pension decreases.

The forecast for the premium pension is also adjusted downward. There, the Pension Agency expects a loss of 8 percent next year.

The text is updated.

Facts: three factors that affect your pension

  • Income pension: salary evolution continues. If income falls, the pension will be negatively affected. If the unemployment rate increases and pension provisions decrease, the entire system may fall into imbalance. Then you can apply the balance, the brake.

  • Guarantee pension: follow the price trend. This year, for example, it increased by 1.7 percent. If prices stagnate or start to fall, the guarantee pension will be reduced. In 2014 Sweden experienced deflation over a period. This led to the listing of the guarantee pension becoming a record low, only 0.2%.

  • The premium pension: the smallest part of the general pension and the only one that we ourselves can choose how to place it. Affected by the evolution of the stock market.

Source: TT

