Nevs car factory in Trollhättan opens for mass vaccination


It is the large Östhallen on Nevs bilfabrik in Trollhättan that will be used for the spring vaccinations against covid-19.

It is not yet clear when vaccines can begin, depending on the availability of the vaccine. The goal is primarily to start vaccinating people in phase 2 and phase 3, Nevs says. What applies to phase 4 has not yet been acquired and is clear, the company explains.

The company rents the premises non-profit without charging rent.

– For us, it seemed obvious to line up when they asked us to line up with the facilities. We are in an extreme situation with the corona pandemic and then it is our duty to contribute what we can, says Stefan Tilk, CEO of Nevs in a comment.

Anyone traveling by car and belonging to one of the Trollhättan health centers, except Hjortmossen, can come to the factory to get their syringes.

Vaccines are made by drive-in theater

Patients enter through Norra Porten on the factory grounds and, after identification verification, are allowed to proceed into the hallway.

There, the vaccine is given through the car window without the person having to get out of the car. He then exits the corridor and is allowed to remain in the observation area for a quarter of an hour, during which time a possible allergic reaction may appear.

In Östhallen on Nevs bilfabrik in Trollhättan, mass vaccination against covid-19 is planned.

Photo: Nevs

Tomas Everitt, executive director of the Primapraktiken Innovatum health center, tells Ttela that between 3,000 and 30,000 people could receive vaccinations at the Nev car factory.

– We have been approved to drive 20 cars at the same time. Assuming we have free access to the vaccine, we could drive 144 patients per hour, assuming there are two people in each car, he explains to the newspaper.

It doesn’t take a lot of preparation to get started, Everitt says.

– The only thing missing is the vaccine, he tells Ttela.

READ MORE: The message: Västra Götaland won’t stop Astra’s vaccine
