Mutated virus “out of control” in the UK


A new variant of the coronavirus has taken hold in the UK.

It was announced yesterday that it is behind 62 per cent of cases in London, and that it may be 70 per cent more contagious than the previously common variant.

Tighter restrictions have now been put in place in the areas with the greatest spread.

The country’s Health Minister Matt Hancock calls it “a terrible end to an incredibly difficult year,” and that it was the “duty of the government to act,” reports the Daily Mail.

– But unfortunately this new strain of virus was out of control. We need to get it under control and the only way to do that is to restrict social contact, especially in areas with the strictest restrictions, everyone has to act like they are infected, he says on Sky News’ Ridge program Sunday.

Stops flights from the UK

It also says that:

– We know that this new variant can be more easily infected with fewer viruses.

The Netherlands and Belgium have decided to stop flights from Britain, and sources tell Der Spiegel that Germany is considering doing the same.

Not indicated to cause a more serious illness

According to the Swedish Public Health Agency, there are still no confirmed cases in Sweden of the new variant of the virus that has been discovered in the UK.

British researchers have found no evidence that the new strain of the virus leads to more serious infections. It is also not believed to be more resistant to vaccines.

– But in general, if something is very contagious, it will most likely start to spread. It is difficult to stop such a spread until the vaccine starts, KI researcher Ali Mirazimi told Expressen yesterday.

READ MORE: The Most Common Side Effects: Here’s How All Vaccines Are Tested

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Boris Johnson was given the thankless job of canceling the British Christmas. New restrictions and impulses were introduced, largely due to a new variant of the coronavirus.