Municipalities want SKR’s support to stop grant fraud – News (Ekot)


The municipality of Södertälje now thinks that the municipalities and regions of Sweden, SKR, should improve in supporting the municipalities in their work with grant fraud and infiltration.
Anna Flink is the municipal security chief.

– I would like a helicopter perspective to be taken on SKR. That they help the municipalities to understand that we need it. Not all municipalities have even understood that you need this. Many people think “oh, how difficult they have it in Södertälje”. That worries me a bit. Because it is not only in Södertälje. I know it’s not just in Södertälje, he says.

People who make mistakes they received financial aid, they illegally sublet public services and infiltrated local politics and social services to gain power and information. These are some examples to which the municipalities of Gothenburg and Södertälje are suspected of having been exposed.

How extensive are these types of crimes against municipalities at the national level, the police do not want to answer, they refer to operational secrecy.

Currently, several municipalities are establishing services focused on combating welfare crimes, for example in Norrköping and Stockholm.

And the municipalities of Gothenburg and Trelleborg have contacted Södertälje, which plans to establish stricter controls on all municipal employees, through criminal record background checks.

But the head of security in Södertälje, Anna Flink believes that the municipalities and regions of Sweden, SKR, should support the municipalities more clearly in their work.

– If you don’t know what is happening, I would like SKR to help municipalities understand how it can be

Mattias Jansson is Acting Director of SKR’s Finance and Management Department. They have noticed that questions from municipalities about social funds and infiltration have increased.

– Yes, so much that our individual members have heard more, but also that we see that we have to work together with this. We have been working with this for a long time, but we need to work more with the support of our members with those are the questions. For example, we have produced a movie that we use in different ways in different meetings with our members, that’s just that; a revelation, just what is in demand.
