Of: Adam westin
The text message with information from the crown to the Swedish population that was sent today has received massive criticism.
The documents show that MSB never wanted to send it.
“Instead of working to deal with the consequences of the pandemic, we must now work with a text message, so that the government appears proactive,” a source told Aftonbladet.
Today, text messages with corona information are sent to the public. The text message has received strong criticism, among other things, for being nonsensical and for not containing a link to the Crisis Information website.
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency writes in an internal document that it was repeatedly asked whether text messages could be used to inform the public about the continued spread of the infection.
“This is something that the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency advises against for the reasons and conditions outlined below,” writes MSB in the document Aftonbladet has read, and SVT was the first to report.
Photo: Jessica Gow / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY
The government presented the increase in texting at a press conference last week. Pictured are Communications Director of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), Interior Minister Mikael Damberg and Digitization Minister Anders Ygeman
The following are some of the headlines MSB lists, about why texting is a bad idea.
The technical conditions are not sufficiently investigated
“Never before has a domestic shipment been tested on the SOS Alarm platform, which in itself can be a risk. We don’t know how it affects the capacity of telecommunications networks, ”writes MSB. -
Main consequences for other national channels
MSB writes that Vårdguiden, 113 13 and 112 should be prepared for a large number of calls.
“A national broadcast of VMA can have important consequences for the ability of the channels to carry out their other tasks.” -
Fraud risk
According to the Police, sending text messages is something that fraudsters can take advantage of, for example, by sending text messages that appear to come from the authorities, with a link that refers to more information but goes elsewhere, the so-called phishing. The risk of this happening is especially great if the text message takes a long time to arrive, “writes MSB. -
Risk of damaging trust and that texting will also be necessary in future national crises.
The Corona text message risks damaging confidence in the VMA warning system, writes MSB.
There is a risk of creating some kind of “major incentive”, which runs the risk of becoming the norm for future events. An event like in the future no generates a text message that can therefore be interpreted as less serious, or less important, ”writes MSB.
The document should have been drawn up in mid-November.
At MSB, there is widespread dissatisfaction with the fact that the government still decided that the text message should be sent, a source tells Aftonbladet.
“Nobody here believes that an SMS has any effect on people’s willingness to follow advice,” says the informant.
Aftonbladet is seeking MSB, Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S) and Energy and Digitization Minister Anders Ygeman (S) for comment.
✓ The text is updated
Photo: Jessica Gow / TT NEWS AGENCY
The text message that was sent to 22 million mobile subscriptions.
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