MP has problems with moralizing vegans


After the Green Party’s record election in 2010 with 7.34 percent of the vote, support has steadily declined and the party has ended up in several opinion polls under parliamentary lockdown. In the SvD / Sifo survey of February 2021, the party was 3.6 percent.

Peter Eriksson, who resigned as a minister in Stefan Löfven’s government in December, is critical of the party following declines in opinion in recent years.

– There is a moralism that has been problematic. A movement on veganism and vegetarianism in big cities where you look better if you don’t eat meat, says in “My truth.”

This is how the trend should be reversed

According to Eriksson, this leads to many people living in the field not recognizing themselves in the match. He believes that the Green Party has failed to show people who do not live in cities that they can become winners of green politics.

– They cannot be required to live as young people in big cities do. It is also not reasonable. Eating meat, hunting, being part of nature and the countryside, cannot be a problem in the Green Party.

Eriksson also gives his opinion on what is needed to reverse the trend of Per Bolund and the newly appointed Märta Stenevi: increasing the transparency and commitment of municipal politicians in the country.

– The small group in Stockholm will never be able to do it themselves.

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See also:

Jenny Madestam on the new Green Party spokesperson, Märta Stenevi.