New Aftonbladet / Demoskop measurement
Of: Beri Zangana
Yes thanks! Preferably a syringe with vaccine, preferably as soon as possible.
Most Swedes think so, according to the latest Aftonbladet / Demoskop poll.
In the last survey, many were positive but still wanted to wait.
– The main reason it has changed is that there is now a vaccine, says Karin Nelson, executive director of Demoskop.
A vaccine against covid-19 can mean a return to a more normal life, more similar to the one we had before the pandemic.
In Sweden, a first small batch of covid-19 vaccines began to be administered on the second day of Christmas, then to people in nursing homes, as well as to those who have home care and their relatives. In phase two, which begins in February, people over 70 years of age and health and care personnel will be vaccinated.
At Aftonbladet / Demoskop in November, 41 percent were positive about vaccination, but wanted to wait. Only 25 percent wanted to take it as soon as possible.
Now it has changed and the latest Aftonbladet / Demoskop poll shows that the majority, 58 percent, want a syringe in their arm as soon as possible. 25 percent respond that they want but intend to wait.
Several different factors
Karin Nelson, CEO of Demoskop, points to several factors that may have influenced the attitude, such as an increased burden on medical care and the new mutated virus. The fact that vaccination started in the EU at the same time also plays an important role.
But mostly, she says, the fluctuation is due to the fact that a vaccine now exists.
– In part, it is actually that we have a vaccine here now, we didn’t have it in the last measurement. At that time, it was not yet known if, when and how he would be vaccinated. We know a lot about it now, says Karin Nelson.
Skeptics are cut in half
Young people are less likely to receive the vaccine, while older people respond that they want the vaccine as soon as possible.
There are still skeptics, but that proportion has been cut in half and the latest survey shows that the proportion who do not intend to get vaccinated has dropped to 10 percent.
– It is a lot of thinking about whether the vaccine would really work given the new mutations. Then some are skeptical about vaccination because of the side effects that can arise, says Karin Nelson.
Photo: Mikael Fritzon / TT
Swedes’ desire for vaccines has increased, according to Aftonbladet / Demoskop.
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