Of: Adelina Storkaas
Several people over the age of 80 received their first covid-19 injection at the vaccination facility that opened in Uppsala County yesterday.
But they were not as many as the region expected.
– There were some who did not show up, says vaccination coordinator Margareta Öhrvall.
Photo: Staffan Claesson
Margareta Öhrvall, vaccination coordinator in the Uppsala region.
In Uppsala County, people over the age of 65 do not have to make an appointment for the Covid-19 vaccination. They get a letter home with a pre-booked time and a request to cancel or rebook the time if it doesn’t fit.
However, already during the first day of vaccination, some people were absent and now the region is investigating why, says Margareta Öhrvall, vaccination coordinator in the Uppsala region.
– We will see if it was the case that they did not receive the letter. The invitations came a little late, but we expected them to arrive. We’ll see if we can find something wrong, or if some don’t want to get vaccinated, he says.
In addition to the missed visits, the vaccination went according to plan on the first day.
– The day went very well and many were vaccinated. We started at three locations and we have two more locations that we will start this week with now, Öhrvall says.
Stopping the Astra vaccine can affect the schedule
This week, the call will come out at a better time, according to Öhrvall. But so that the vaccine is not processed in case of absence of visits, people over 65 years old will be called with short notice to the health centers near the vaccination facilities, if at the end of the day there are any doses left. Like the first day. Letting older people who have not yet been called to queue outside the facility, hoping to receive the leftover doses, is not something the region is considering.
– We want to avoid queues and the feeling that some who do not belong to that specific phase are ahead, says the vaccine coordinator.
She thinks it is too early to say whether some older people will have to wait longer to receive a vaccine now that the Astra vaccine has been discontinued.
– If it’s just one stop in a couple of days, then our vaccination plan won’t change. But if it is a long-term stop, we must take it into account and have our plan to see if it affects and how.
However, so far, the region’s plan to begin phase 4 vaccination in April remains unchanged.
– We are working on it. But it is clear that for each new information we receive about delays, it becomes more difficult to meet the schedule, says the vaccination coordinator.
– But right now we are doing everything possible to continue vaccinating the 65+ group. That is our first goal.
Photo: Adelina Storkaas
Vaccination of people in the 65+ age group started on March 15 in the Uppsala region.